From Pain to Purpose: Meet Amynah Usman Hamzat the Founder of Africa’s First Ulcer Support Community, Ulcer Aid

Amynah Usman Hamzat, Founder Ulcer Aid

Amynah Usman is a Lawyer and advocate whose advocacy fulfills the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 3, 4, and 10. She holds an LL.B. (Hons.) from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, and an LL.M. from the University of South Wales, the United Kingdom. She expresses her passion for youth development, women’s inclusion in government, and youth participation in politics through critical conversations, dialogues, and collaborations.

In fulfillment of UN SDG 3, Amynah co-founded the Ozohvehe Foundation, an Abuja-based Charity focused on the nutrition, well-being, and health of women and children. She recently founded Ulcer Aid, Africa’s first foundation created exclusively to aid, create awareness, and support individuals dealing with stomach ulcers.

1. What inspired you to create Ulcer Aid, Africa’s first foundation for people with stomach ulcers and digestive issues?

For more than 15 years, I’ve grappled with the relentless presence of stomach ulcers. My journey with this affliction began during my years as a boarding house student, in secondary school, where the daily fare didn’t align with my dietary preferences. Often, I found myself skipping meals, particularly lunchtime.

2. Could you share your personal journey of living with an ulcer for over a decade and how that experience motivated you to start this organization?

In the early days, when I received my first diagnosis, I was largely ignorant of the underlying causes of stomach ulcers. While I followed the prescribed treatment regimen, the ulcers stubbornly recurred, refusing to relent. I vividly recall that during my initial diagnosis, the medical test didn’t detect H. Pylori in my blood—the bacterium frequently associated with ulcers. It was only upon the recommendation of another doctor that I underwent stool testing, which eventually revealed the presence of H. Pylori.

Even with medication, the pain persisted, and I found myself frequently returning to the hospital, seeking relief. I realized that a stomach ulcer is a serious ailment that poses a significant threat to people’s lives, subjecting one to unexplainable discomfort and excruciating pains. Yet, this disease often languishes in the shadow of more recognized diseases.

Despite my pain, I embarked on a relentless search for existing initiatives or support groups that could empathize with the daily struggles of living with a stomach ulcer. My efforts to find such a community proved abortive. While the internet was replete with support groups for various illnesses, there wasn’t a single initiative dedicated to stomach ulcers in Africa.

This stark absence fueled my determination. I was resolute in my mission to establish a platform where the voices of those affected by stomach ulcers and digestive health issues could be heard and, more importantly, where support, awareness, and understanding could be found. Thus, the Ulcer Aid Foundation was born—Africa’s inaugural foundation exclusively for individuals battling stomach ulcers.

3. How has Ulcer Aid been able to provide emotional support to individuals dealing with stomach ulcers, and what impact has it had on their lives?

While it’s essential to understand that a community alone cannot cure stomach ulcers, it does empower individuals with the strength to confront this relentless disease. With the Ulcer Aid Foundation, I’ve created a passionate community and a non-profit organization focused on providing emotional support, increasing awareness, extending financial assistance, and most significantly, ensuring that no one faces the challenges of stomach ulcers alone.

4. Could you elaborate on the specific services and support that Ulcer Aid offers to its community members, such as awareness campaigns or financial assistance?

We have Ulcer Aid Representatives across various states in Nigeria. These representatives are empowered with in-depth knowledge of this disease to enable them to create awareness. We provide funds that were sourced through crowdfunding and my pocket money to give financial support to ulcer patients. For example, Paying their hospital bills and purchasing their medications and food where needed.

5. Building a community around a health issue like ulcers can be challenging. How did you go about creating a space where people with similar experiences could connect and share?

Social media has been a tool I have utilized, getting it to work for me in creating a community and bringing people together to connect, support, and share similar experiences.

We have also taken to rural communities to sensitize people and create awareness on the best ways to avoid contracting bacteria-causing ulcers like H. pylori, which can be found in fruits and vegetables that we consume daily. We also equip people already living with stomach ulcers with vital information on how to manage this disease.

6. Can you share any success stories or moments that stand out since the inception of Ulcer Aid, where the organization has made a significant difference in someone’s life?

At the inception of the Ulcer Aid Foundation, I didn’t think I would get the level of support I have currently, and being a new organization with little funds, I didn’t think people would be willing to offer and volunteer themselves to push this organization forward. It’s been overwhelming, and I’m really grateful.

We have had a number of people call in to share their stories and express how excited they are to have the Ulcer Aid Foundation around.

7. What are your future goals and aspirations for Ulcer Aid in terms of raising awareness about stomach ulcers and supporting those affected by them?

In the heart of Ulcer Aid lies a commitment to carrying everyone along and sharing in their pain. Our collective strength is the antidote to this affliction. We have started with just Nigeria, and I’m hoping we can stretch into other countries in Africa to lead the fight against stomach ulcers.  I’ve walked this path, and I firmly believe that anyone facing this challenge can find solace and strength within our community.

8. How can individuals who want to get involved or support Ulcer Aid contribute to your mission?

People can support the Ulcer Aid Foundation by simply volunteering with us and donating to our foundation to help facilitate our goal.

9. In your opinion, what are the most important aspects of raising awareness about stomach ulcers, and how can society better understand the seriousness of this illness?

I believe equipping people with the right knowledge of risk factors for stomach ulcers and digestive health issues is key. I said “right knowledge” because there are several myths about stomach ulcers. Ulcers can be prevented with the right knowledge. For example, NSAID-induced ulcers, stress, and chronic smoking. When society is armed with the right knowledge, we can make better and more informed decisions about our diet and lifestyle. Ultimately, knowledge, I would say, is the most important aspect.

10. What message would you like to convey to others who may be dealing with stomach ulcers, offering them hope and encouragement based on your own experience and the work of Ulcer Aid?

My message to people out there is to seek help promptly. Early detection plays a significant role in treatment and getting the ulcers to heal. People should never undermine stomach ulcers and must ensure necessary measures, as well as precautions, are taken to get rid of this disease. 

I’m delighted to also add that Stomach ulcers can be cured with the right treatment and strict adherence to your medication. The Ulcer Aid Foundation is here to facilitate this through support, awareness, and sensitization.

11. How can the Ulcer Aid Foundation be contacted?

Currently, you can get in touch with us via our social media handles @Ulceraid on Twitter and Instagram


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Pa Michael Imoudu Ave & 3rd Ave Gwarinpa 900108, Gwarinpa, Nigeria

A human interest story puts people at the heart of events. It gives the reader someone to relate to and taps into our natural curiosity in the lives of others. 


Pa Michael Imoudu Ave & 3rd Ave Gwarinpa 900108, Gwarinpa, Nigeria


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